Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Jesus Is the Reason for the Season"

Good afternoon everyone! I had an awesome time in church today, and received wonderful words of encouragement from each of my Pastors conveying God's/Awesome word! Todays topic was "Have you been Converted?" And boy did I gain something from that message on. It allowed me to dig deep and ask myself.. Wow, Have I been converted??? I know I'm a work in progress, and I'm striving to do what it is that God has put me on this earth to do. I will continue to journey deeper into His Holy word so that in everything I do, He will be right there by my side helping me accomplish all that I anticipate! Just thinking about His goodness brings a smile to my face, and keeps me on the path of perseverance. Feel free to join in at any time, and help me spread the Good News!!! Peace & Blessings!;)
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  1. Thanks! I had some major typos going on in this post. LOL. Still getting used to my blog and I know I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me! Thanks for reading and posting!;)
